Mujtaba Murtuza, a Maria College Associates Degree Nursing (ADN) student, graduating in May 2021, spent many days over the winter break volunteering at Glens Falls Hospital to administering the Covid vaccine and signed up to volunteer at Albany Medical Center next week. Mujtaba shares, “When this whole thing [Covid] started last year in March, I just really wished I was out there on the front lines doing something about it, having a direct impact and finally now, here is my chance to help.”
He shares,”Some people who are receiving the vaccine are a bit nervous, which is totally understandable because it is new science. However, the vast majority do express a sense of relief. Many of the people who I have vaccinated have said they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
With his last semester ahead of him, a busy one for all Maria College ADN students with courses and clinicals to balance, Mujtaba plans to continue to volunteer either on the weekend or coordinate when he can around his schedule during the week. In the Maria spirit of compassionate care, Mujtaba added, “Honestly, it has been an honor to be a direct part of this effort.”
Mujtaba Murtuza
Nursing, AAS (’21)