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NYSED Awards HEOP Grant to Maria College

Press Release

ALBANY, NY—The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) grant has been awarded to Maria College by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for the 2014-2019 program years. Selected HEOP full-time (12 or more credits) students will receive financial aid to cover tuition, fees and books, plus receive structured support services, such as counseling, tutoring, and remedial/developmental coursework. 

HEOP serves New York State residents, who are both academically and economically disadvantaged. The program is named after Arthur O. Eve, who from 1967-2003, served as a member of the New York State Assembly. HEOP has helped thousands of disadvantaged New York students to reach high levels of academic achievement and success (36,000 students are reported on the NYSED website, as of 2010). 

Thomas D. Iwankow, Dean of Enrollment Management at Maria College stated, “We are confident that the HEOP program will open new doors for first time college students seeking enrollment at Maria College. HEOP will allow these individuals to continue their education, thanks to the commitment by New York State and Maria College.” 

The recruiting for first time, full-time students, meeting the HEOP eligibility requirements, is underway at Maria College (the 2014-15 academic year starts next month). Fifteen HEOP students are expected to be enrolled this fall and an average of 35 students in subsequent program years.

President Lea A. Johnson stated, “Maria College is very proud to have been selected to receive the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program grant.  It underscores the college’s commitment to serving the under-served students for their ultimate academic and personal success.”

Interested, prospective HEOP program participants are encouraged to contact the Maria College Admission Department for more information: (518) 861-2517 or


About Maria College
Maria College is a baccalaureate nonprofit, independent, co-educational institution, founded in 1958 by the Sisters of Mercy, and is one of 17 colleges and universities in the United States sponsored by the Conference for Mercy Higher Education. The College serves traditional and nontraditional students through day, evening, weekend and online classes. A student focused and highly affordable private college in Albany, NY with a 99% placement rate—employment and continuing education.