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Omicron Sigma at-Large Chapter Charter Amendment & Induction Ceremony

Twenty-three RN-BS nursing students and One Nurse Leader were inducted into the Maria College Omicron Sigma at-Large Chapter at the Charter Amendment Ceremony & Induction event on Friday, November 9, 2018. Maria College received the coat-of-arms plaque, making it an official chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

The crest on the plaque symbolize the enduring values as a reminder to Maria’s commitment to: Wisdom and discernment, as represented by the eye; Service, professional endeavor, and strength of leadership, as represented by the pillars of stone at the right and left; and Knowledge, as represented by the lamp.

Above photo left to right: Jeanne Carfora, BS, RN, Vice President of the Omicron Sigma at-Large Chapter; Ellen J. Argust, MS, RN, CNOR, Director of RN-BS Completion Program; Victoria A. Callagan, EdD, RN, Associate Chair of Nursing for Curriculum; and Laurie Carbo-Porter, PhD, RN, immediate past Secretary of the Sigma International Board of Directors and a Virginia Henderson Fellow.

Dr. Carbo-Porter, RN addressed the group and stated, “The founding principle of Maria College — “providing service to others” is tightly connected with Sigma’s mission of advancing world health and celebrating excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service.”

Learn more about the BS Degree in Nursing Completion program at Maria College.