Registration for Summer and Fall courses at Maria College has begun and continues on schedule. Please don’t forget to register to secure your spot in the summer and fall classes you need to stay on track! Offices such as the Registrar and Financial Aid are fully functioning remotely, and are responsive to student questions and offering assistance.
As the situation with Covid-19 is dynamic, we will be starting the courses for the first summer session online. We are hopeful that the situation will offer more flexibility for some in-person or hybrid course schedule meetings as the session progresses based upon guidance from New York State and its regionally-based reopening protocols currently being developed.
Guidance from New York State these past weeks raises the possibility of regional, limited reopening of businesses, if certain public health milestones are met. Maria College administration and the Covid Task Force are following these developments closely and will be communicating any changes to campus access to the workforce and students. The administration and the Task Force are working on a plan for a safe, phased reopening, based on what is permissible in our area. The latest information on Maria’s response can always be found on the Covid Information website: