Alumni Spotlight

Nancy DeSormeau Green ’81

Retired Nurse/Case Worker

Alumni Spotlight: March 2017

I graduated from St. Joseph’s Academy in Albany at the age of 17. For financial reasons, I was unable to attend college full time. Working full time for United Artist Motion Picture Corporation as a secretary was, initially, an exciting position with free movie perks.

Once the shine wore off, I spent several years taking evening classes at three local Universities. I applied all my liberal arts credits to the new Maria A.A.S in Nursing; one of the best decisions I ever made! 

The thing I remember most vividly about Maria College was its welcoming environment and passionate caring Faculty. They provided the supportive learning environment I needed.

The faculty that I remember most were Mary Jo LaPosta, Father Nick and my favorite, Sister Helen Klee. Like many nursing students, my first clinical experiences (giving injections) felt awkward, and sometimes scary. Sister Helen Klee set a high bar. She made us work hard but her dry sense of humor made us feel comfortable in a new environment. At our graduation party, we gave her a tee shirt that said “you flat head,” a favorite phrase she used lovingly. 

Maria prepared me for a wonderful career. I had many “next steps.” I obtained a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation and obtained many certifications: Certified Case Manager, Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse and Certified Disability Management Specialist. Marriage to Jack, with 3 wonderful sons, were all in my life’s journey. Meanwhile, Nursing gave me the flexibility juggle all my roles.

I gained experience in the Capitol District in traditional hospital Nursing, then moved to Atlanta in the eighties where I began a new career as a Nurse Case Manager. The State of Georgia had rigorous requirements for Nurses helping to rehabilitate catastrophically injured patients. But I found my niche there and loved the field immensely.  

I obtained my first managerial position with Maryland Casualty, an insurer of high risk employers.  Being the Supervisor of Medical Management and Rehabilitation in ten offices over seven states was a wonderful experience. When Maryland was sold to another company, Medical Management happened not to be part of their corporate structure. Being still young and energic, I don’t think I thought twice about my next step. I became a self-employed Nurse Case Manager. Thankfully, my patient case load grew quickly and within a year, I incorporated, hired my first eight employees and became the Director of Nancy Green & Associates, Inc., Catastrophic Medical Management, Vocational Placement and Life Care Planning.  

After 30 plus years I retired to the beach in 2013 but today I continue to work part time consulting.  I have been blessed with a wonderful career. Thank you Maria College! 

My greatest professional accomplishment was graduating one of only three Beta Gamma Sigma EMRAs from University of San Francisco; all while juggling a very successful business and happy family life. Finally, My advice to Maria students is simple; study hard, love what you do, and never stop learning! And Gandhi would add; “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

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