Global Art for Peace artwork

Since our Global Art Project for Peace exchange group in Nigeria was unable to send us their art to us, a group from the “Angel Corps” of the Global Art Project for Peace created some beautiful artwork for Maria College.

Yesterday I received a package in the mail from Tucson, Arizona. Opening it, I felt like a little kid at Christmas! I actually said out loud, “Oh…wow…ahh…aw!” until I’d emptied the box. This artwork is something else! I can’t wait for you to see it!

The “Angels” from a PlayHaven Community created many colorful origami boxes, filled with origami cranes, words and messages of peace, and other little surprises which you’ll discover for yourself when this special art graces Maria College!

Two of the artists, Katherine Josten and Jhan Kold, sent this message for us: “Please accept our small gifts of global love and friendship as a token of our goodwill. We hope you can feel the love that was infused into our origami boxes. It gave us great joy to gather together to create our art for you.”

My thanks to everyone who participated in the project. When the art we received is displayed on campus, I hope you will be inspired and reminded of the role each of us can take each moment towards nurturing peace in ourselves, our communities, and our planet.

Here is a sneak preview of the beautiful art and of the kind-hearted artists at work.

OT snippet: Speaking of groups: occupational therapy practitioners provide OT not only to individuals but also to groups and populations. Group therapy provides opportunities for peer support and increased self-awareness, and can be tailored to the specific needs of the members. Groups can take an educational or prevention approach, or may have a focus on rehabilitation. If you’re a student in the OTA program, you’ll learn a LOT (even more than you can imagine!!) about groups in your 2nd year Psychosocial Dysfunction class.

-Liz Walkden