Our goal is to create a rich and engaging content for faculty, staff, students, alumni and community neighbors on how we are living the Mercy mission–educating to serve others. The Maria Marketing and Communications (Marcom) team is highly collaborative and we value your input! Please send us timely, relevant, and interesting updates!
Print Communications
The MarCom team works with faculty and staff across the Maria College campus to create marketing pieces that include brochures, newsletters, invitations, postcards, posters and more. We can assist in defining the target audience and creating a message and distribution plan that is delivered on time and on budget. Reach out to our team! We will review and contact you to discuss the project request and timeline.
Web Communications
The MarCom team helps Maria College on all aspects of its Internet presence, including mariacollege.edu, the Maria blog, social media and online advertising. The College community plays a key role in ensuring the website’s content is up-to-date and relevant. If you have any content updates that need to be made, please submit a helpdesk ticket and include ‘Website’ in the subject of the email. The College’s website provides engaging content to prospective students, current students, faculty, staff and the larger online community. Please review your department’s webpage(s) regularly and inform us of any updates or if you need to add a web page.
Email Communications
The Marketing & Communication department at Maria College is responsible for internal communication to the community, as well as external communication to prospective students. Email blasts are a great way to get news out fast. If you have an event or important message you need to share, please email email communication@mariacollege.edu as early as possible to discuss your needs.
Maria Blog
The Maria Blog is designed to convey short snippets of interesting Maria College facts, figures, and lore. Blog categories include academic programs, campus facilities, events, mission & values, student life, service to others, and many more. Readers are encouraged to comment and provide feedback and input. Each blogger has a unique profile and story to tell. We hope you will enjoy the blog posts. If you would like to blog for us, please email communication@mariacollege.edu. Check out the Maria Blog!
Monday Minutes
A weekly e-Newsletter designed to keep the Maria Community current; off and on campus. To be added to the distribution list, please email your email address to: communication@mariacollege.edu.
Note: if you are on the Monday Minutes circulation list and don’t receive your copy by 10:00 am (EST) on Monday morning, please check your spam folder and save this address to your email address book: communication@mariacollege.edu
Social Media
Connect with Maria College through social media!
1. Facebook: www.facebook.com/MariaCollegeAlbany
2. Twitter: @mariacollege
3. Instagram: mariacollege
4. LinkedIn: Maria College
The MarCom team attempts to capture Maria campus events through photographs. If you have an event that is not posted in the Monday Minutes, please let us know if advance so we can put it on our calendar to attend. If you would like access to any images in our photo library, please email communication@mariacollege.edu.
All persons photographed must complete a Media Consent Form – please please email communication@mariacollege.edu for the latest version.