We are experiencing a bit too much of the “north” part of the “Northeast” lately! Where is the season of spring hiding? This is April, right?
The cold, snowy weather of late has just about everyone talking…well actually complaining.
However, I still have that bit of spring hopefulness in my heart that I have every year as March gives way to April.
And despite what seems to be a steady stream of tragic news coming at us every day, there is much to be hopeful about as I was reminded of a few days ago while listening to an interview on the car radio with Steven Pinker, the author of Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.
According to reviews of his book, which is on the New York Times bestseller list, Mr. Pinker makes the argument, using statistical data, that life on Planet Earth is better than ever. He sees us living longer, safer, healthier lives with more prosperity, education, and tolerance than in years past.
I think of small positive changes that have happened in my recent life time such as the fact that there are now so many organic products at the supermarket to choose from. I can keep track of so much in the world through the internet. And the flu shot worked for me this year-no flu! Route 85 which I drive on often was repaved over the past year for the first time in about 40 years and is so smooth now, and with my Kindle reader, I can start a new book at 2am without even getting out of bed!
Positive progress has been happening at Maria College’s campus which has expanded to include the McAuley building with a state-of-the-art classroom for in-house and distance courses; our relatively new bachelor’s programs have a large number of graduates this year; and the newly revamped Frank E. O’Brien, Jr. Student Success Center is always buzzing as students receive all types of academic support.
Although the world still has a lot of improving to do, young students from Florida recently made their voices heard about gun control; diseases such as polio, measles, and diptheria have almost been eliminated from the earth; women in Saudi Arabia can now drive cars; and more and more people are now aware and taking care of the environment.
For a lot more reasons to have hope, check out this link to a Forbes’ magazine article.
So, even though we are still putting on wool coats and gloves, there is always hope that positive changes are on their way!
As a matter of fact, my spirits soared recently when I discovered that April is National BLT Sandwich Month! That is something to make hearts sing!
Until next time…