New Beginnings

We have had a busy couple of weeks here at Maria College as some students received their degrees at our graduation ceremony while others have just started summer session courses as they begin or continue their studies.

For both of these activities, the word “commencement” can be used. If you check with any dictionary, you will find that the word “commencement” means a “beginning” or “start.” 

Now, that beginning or start seems to be a peculiar term for students who are finishing or ending their college studies, yet a graduation ceremony is indeed called a “commencement.” The word truly fits, however, since students are actually beginning their lives as college graduates with degrees that enable them to move forward down all sorts of professional and personal paths. 

The amazing people who spoke at Maria College’s commencement on Sunday, May 21, offered some words of inspiration to graduates to help them “begin” their lives that have been transformed through their education. 

Students were encouraged to enjoy the “wonderful” graduation day as they embark on “wondering” about the many possibilities of their futures. 

They were given the important responsibilities of working hard to do their best, avoiding the false allure of materialism, and keeping God with them through prayer.

And, in keeping with the ideal of mercy espoused by Maria College’s founders, the Sisters of Mercy, students were encouraged to take to heart the words of Pope Francis: “[Mercy] is the best thing we can feel: it changes the world. A little mercy makes the world less cold and more just.”

Words of inspiration for students at commencement ceremonies over the years are always worth taking some time for, so here is a link to some powerful, memorable commencement speeches.

I extend my heartiest congratulations and best wishes to all of Maria College’s 2017 graduates!

And I offer a hearty “hello” to those who are taking part in the summer session of classes here at the College. I will see you on campus!

Until next time  . . .
