Peace Work

Do you like to make art? Looking for a way to connect with others in the Maria College family, build community, and start a conversation about peace? Need a way to relax or add a little pizzazz to your resume? The Global Art Project for Peace is yelling your name (in a friendly, peaceful sort of way!) 

Described as a “Multicultural celebration of global peace and goodwill through art,” this project has run every other year since 1993. According to the project website, “In March/April 2018, participants will create and exchange art expressing their ideas of a peaceful global community — resulting in thousands of messages of peace and goodwill simultaneously encircling the Earth during the week of April 23-30.” How incredible and essential is THAT?!

Anyone can participate — adults and children, individuals and groups. The good news: you don’t have to be an “artist”!  Your interpretation of the topic of peace can be drawn, written, painted, performed, presented in any form you like.  

Maria College students, faculty, family and friends took part in this event in 2016. It was a fun and rewarding experience which I blogged about here.

Curious? Ready to get to work? All the info you need to register is here. It’s a very easy and painless task to organize.  

Aside from the experience of taking part, I can also share that this has been a consistent talking point during interviews on my (initially rather sparse) resume. Interviewers were all curious about my involvement in this project because it showcased organizational skills, initiative, creativity, and the willingness to embrace diversity. So, bling up your resume, have fun, and contribute to a wonderful project!

OTA snippet: In my current job as a COTA in a K-5 public school, I often use art projects to work towards students’ goals.  So many skills can be addressed in one art activity: hand skills, visual skills, balance, sustained attention, sequencing, sensory issues, and more!  Students are typically willing participants because all they see is “FUN!”  If you’re a student in the OTA program, the pediatric/developmental disabilities class will prepare you well for work with this population, and a school-based fieldwork placement will set you up with the confidence and skills needed for your first COTA job with children!

Liz Walkden ’17, OTA