Small Can Be Powerful

Well, we had one of this winter’s biggest snow storms recently in the Albany area which had me curling up in the warmth of my small, comfy home on a Sunday afternoon.

That’s when the idea of “small” as a topic for a blog struck me!

Small can be extremely powerful—remember the little acorn that becomes a mighty oak!

Small acts of kindness can also have a powerful effect, and I have come across some really ingenious small acts that have had a great big impact.

For example, have you heard of “suspended coffee”? The simple, small act of buying yourself a cup of coffee (or soup or a sandwich) at a participating business and then buying a “suspended” cup or two allows someone in need to come in and claim the suspended cup for no cost. A business in Schenectady named The Happy Cappuccino is a local establishment that participates. Read more about the program.

Then, I read about a church group that uses plastic shopping bags which they cut into strips to weave together sleeping mats for the homeless. Read about them here. And they are not the only ones who have taken up this creative reuse project!

Or how about this brilliant little idea from Rebecca Hamilton, the health service director of a residential memory care facility in Arizona for seniors with various types of dementia: Pair orphaned kittens who need twenty-four-hour-a-day care with senior residents! This is a win-win idea! Click here to read story.

The founder of the Sisters of Mercy, Catherine McAuley, also realized the strength of small acts of love and kindness as she wrote: “No matter how small the gift, God gives the increase.”

Until next time . . .

