Student aid supports the larger community

Last month, Maria College’s Opportunity Programs students (OP) participated in Student Aid Advocacy Day, where they had the opportunity to share the positive impact of student aid programs with our New York State legislators.

At Maria College, we are proud to support students in accessing these programs, as we see, on a daily basis, the positive impact it has. Recently, our support and advocacy for these programs has become even more significant, as Maria College is training the next generation of needed healthcare professionals during a time where so many are needed. These students will graduate and serve our community in critical ways as caring and compassionate individuals. Thus, to provide an opportunity for more students to access higher education at Maria, ultimately benefits society.

The Maria College Opportunity Programs Office has participated in this important initiative for years alongside many other New York colleges and universities. New York State student aid programs, including the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), provide the possibility for students, who may not otherwise have the opportunity, the access to higher education and to realize the benefits that higher education provides. HEOP is one of the many New York State student aid programs and specifically supports first-time college students with financial support, as well as individualized services that address academic and personal growth.

This year, more than 370,000 New Yorkers are relying on state student aid programs to fund their college tuition and expenses. The impact of these programs is immense, with each student having a unique story to share. Though each student has a personal story of the impact of student aid, it is important to recognize the societal effect these programs can have in reducing disparities in college completion and income inequality within our larger community.


Lauren Thams
Assistant Director of Opportunity Programs
Maria College



New York Student Aid Alliance. (n.d.)