Maria College Ranks in Top 4% Nationally
in 10 Year Return on Investment
Is a college degree worth it? That’s a question on the minds of many students and parents. A recent report by Georgetown University looks at the return on investment for higher education, and a Maria College degree came out among the top 4% in the country when viewed at the ten year mark after graduation.
“Maria’s programs are focused on career-relevant education, and I’m proud of how we are reflected in this report,” said Thomas Gamble, President of Maria College. “The cost of higher education is a huge factor for students looking towards their future. Maria College has the lowest tuition cost in the area among private colleges, and students choosing Maria are making a wise financial investment.”
According to the study published by Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce, Maria College measures a $213,000 return on investment over 10 years, placing the Albany-area college in the top 4% of the 4,500 colleges across the country when measured at that point. That number is calculated using something Georgetown terms “net present value,” which accounts for “costs, future earnings, and the length of time it would take to invest and earn a certain amount of money over a fixed horizon.”
“Many students are looking for a college experience that will prepare them well for the future, while at the same time being conscious of what they’re getting for their money,” said Dr. Anne Jung, Dean of Maria College. “With a non-residential campus, we’re built around the commuter experience. We have a welcoming campus, in-demand programs, excellent support services, and an accessible faculty of subject experts. Maria has everything a student needs to have a great college experience, while preparing for careers where they can be in service to others.”
Maria College’s education in health and wellness fields, as well as one of the lowest private tuition costs in the Capital Region, contributed to the high ranking. Maria College offers Associate and Bachelor’s degree programs in Nursing, Health and Occupational Sciences, Occupational Therapy, Healthcare Management, Psychology, and the Liberal Arts.
A link to the Georgetown study can be found here: