Summer Lovin’

Now I know what you’re thinking, how could summer school and fun ever be in the same sentence, let alone in the same blog post? Summer is seen as a time of relaxation and fun. However, it can also be a time to get ahead on your credits toward your degree. Looking back on my years at Maria, I wish that I had taken summer classes and graduated a semester earlier. For those of you who are enrolled in summer classes, here are a few tips to make summer school more enjoyable!

Never-Ending Events

If you only commute to Albany to attend Maria then is the website for you. It lists every single event going on in Albany and all the information you would want to know! Events such as Greek Fest and Tulip Fest are some of the many celebrations that go on in the Capital Region! So browse around and see what Albany has to offer. Grab a couple of classmates and go explore. 

Stewart’s Sweets

Just imagining the hot sun and warm breeze makes me crave a big scoop of ice cream on a waffle cone! When you have free time in between your classes, Stewarts is a two-minute drive from Maria! They offer sundae’s, milkshakes, and anything else your ice cream lover heart desires! My favorite thing to order from Stewarts is the chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake. The best part is the chunks of cookie dough that settle to the bottom, this is when you put down the the straw and grab your spoon!

Summer Swimming

When I think of summer, swimming always pops into my head. Being able to melt your stresses in the sun while you tan by the pool is always relaxing, especially if you have a final the next day. Sometimes a good dip in a cool pool is all you need to get through the day, plus it’s a great way to exercise the ice cream off! There are two free pools in the Albany area; Mater Christi pool and the Lincoln Park pool.

Fantastic Food

I don’t know about you but during the summer, I always tend to eat out and try new restaurants! It’s always fun time when you grab a couple of girlfriends and test out new dishes in a different city. One of my favorite places to try new food is Lark Street. Cuisine down there ranges from Asian, Italian, Mexican, etc..  The list goes on and on so that everyone’s taste buds are satisfied! The restaurant that I tend to gravitate to is Rain Café! (Their sesame  & orange chicken is to die for)