The Final Countdown

The Last Hurrah

As the Maria College spring ’16 semester comes to an end, finals are almost here.  It’s important to stay organized and focused to do well on the final exams. Don’t let yourself get side tracked or lazy–this is a critical week to put your newly acquired knowledge to the test (literally)! There is no greater feeling than flying through an exam because you knew all the content. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you stay on the right track when it comes to studying:


Sometimes a game of trivia definitions can help you remember things you may have forgotten or need refreshing. I try and type my class notes, increase the font size, print, and cut them out. It’s the quickest and easiest way to get instant flash cards. Go through and organize the cards into piles: 1) material that you definitely know, 2) somewhat know, and 3) don’t know at all. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t remember a definition. It’s better to admit that you don’t know the material so you can review rather than just pretend you know it. Practice makes perfect!

Catching Up

Make sure you are all caught up on your homework and projects. It’s easy to get lost in all the assignments getting thrown at you! Go over your syllabi and figure out if you have any missing assignments. Talk to your teachers and figure out if there is any extra credit available for the assignments you have missed (you never know until you ask)! It’s very important that you get all of these assignments done before the final exam. This will lessen the stress when you’re studying for your tests!


If you can, bring your notes and a highlighter with you wherever you go the week before your finals. When you have free time, open up the study material, and highlight what you know! Keep doing this everyday until you’re familiar with all of the content. This refreshes your knowledge and helps you memorize the material. Rather than getting a headache from cramming, studying a day at a time doesn’t take as much of a toll on your brain. You can only eat so many chips in a day before you get a stomach ache, right? Same goes to cramming knowledge into your brain! 

Staying up till 3am to study is never a smart idea. By the time you get to take the actual test you are sleep deprived. Although it may seem like a great idea because you spend more time studying, your brain needs rest in order to function and retain information. Let yourself get a good night’s sleep before the day of the exam, you’ll be more relaxed and ready to let your knowledge flow! Also, eat a nutritious breakfast!