Top three reasons to become a Maria College Peer Tutor

By Rose Napoli
Peer Tutor
2022 Health and Occupational Sciences, BS Graduate
Current Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) student

Tutoring is one of the most rewarding services that Maria College provides. As a peer and professional tutor, I help other students with their coursework, test preparation, computer skills, study skills, time management, and any other life skill that is useful in an academic or clinical setting. I have been a peer tutor for four years and have been promoted recently to a professional tutor. I have several positive experiences that I would like to share:

1 – The “light bulb” moment.  Most students come to the Tutoring Center with a specific topic that they would like help with, and I take multiple stylistic approaches to fit their learning style. If someone is a visual learner, using one of the anatomical models or a picture helps them greatly. For someone who is a kinesthetic learner, having a hands-on activity allows them to have a physical modality that helps them understand the topic. For someone who is an auditory learner, explaining the topic to them with class materials helps them understand. I use all these approaches when helping a student. The “light bulb” moment is the moment when we find the right approach and it finally clicks. This creates confidence, a sense of achievement, and understanding for that student that they might not have experienced before in a college class.

2 – Tutoring is rewarding. Typically, tutors have a routine set of students that they work with due to the subjects that they cover and their availability. I love the feeling of a student telling me that they passed a final that we prepared for, or that they got an excellent grade on a paper because of the help that they received. I try to be as encouraging as I can, often sending students emails before their exams wishing them luck, and to remember what we practiced. Due to this, I have received encouraging messages from students, thanking me for all the help, and that they could not have passed their classes without my help.

3 – Making connections. Over the past four years, I have made connections with students of all different ages, backgrounds, programs, and abilities. I have also made more connections with the Maria College faculty and staff. Instructors recommend my services to students that might be struggling in their class or to a student that needs extra support to stay organized throughout the semester. I use an occupational therapy approach for all my tutoring sessions and will often utilize a therapeutic approach called the “therapeutic use of self.” This is when I utilize my experiences from that class or period of my life to connect with that student and make them feel less alone or discouraged. I often explain how most people have test-taking anxiety, or that of they have a question in a lecture, most of the class has that same question. This helps students become more confident in their abilities to become an occupational therapy assistant, nurse, or continue with their studies in psychology, liberal arts, or general studies.

Becoming a tutor was one of the best decisions that I could have made at Maria College. I gained the interpersonal skills that any job in a healthcare field requires. I also had the opportunity to help students achieve their degrees or certifications. Additionally, I gained the experience to become a better occupational therapy assistant by helping students with disabilities, and language barriers, or by finding alternate learning methods that suit the student best.

Are you a current student interested in becoming a peer tutor? Please contact Dr. Jason Coley, Associate Dean of Students, at The pay rate for tutors is as follows:

Peer Tutors at $15.00/hour

Professional Tutors at $25.00/hour


The Mary Beth O’Brien Tutoring Center is located within the Frank E O’Brien, Jr. Student support Center (Mercy Hall). Qualified staff peer and professional tutors are available to assist students with individual skill development through personal and group support as well as through technological, embedded, and online tutorial resources. Visit to learn more.