Maria Blog
Peace Work
Do you like to make art? Looking for a way to connect with others in the Maria College family, build community, and start a conversation about peace? Need a way to relax or add a little pizzazz to your resume? The Global Art Project for Peace is yelling your name (in a friendly, peaceful sort of way!) Described as a “Multicultural celebration of global peace and goodwill through art,” this project has run every other…
Read MoreYou Said What Ate Your Homework?
I am an older returning student at Maria College. I’ve raised my children, and it’s my time to further my education, without worries of childcare, making lunches, dinners, etc. Well, I thought that was the…
Read MoreMercy Week 2017 Reflection
I am writing this reflection as Mercy Week comes to an end. What a week! 190 years ago on September 24th, Catherine McAuley opened the first house of Mercy. It is hard to believe that…
Read MoreHome, Sweet Home!
“What’s your sign?” No, I am not using that old pick-up line. I am actually thinking about my zodiac sign which is Cancer (July birthday). Any description of the type of person a Cancer is…
Read MoreBlessed Virgin Mary’s Nativity Feast
Today the Universal Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary’s (BVM) Nativity. This feast dates back to the 5th century and marks the anniversary of the dedication of a basilica in Jerusalem which was built on…
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