Facts & Figures


804Average number of students attending Maria College
85% Percentage of students working in their field or pursuing a higher degree 6 months after graduation*
12:1Student/Faculty Ratio
87% 2023 LPN NCLEX-PN® First-time Pass Rate
91% 2023 ADN NCLEX-RN® First-time Pass Rate
2462022/23 graduates from Maria College
1732022/23 graduates from the Maria College nursing programs
17Number of colleges in the Sisters of Mercy national network of colleges and universities**
38,559 Students attending college in the Sisters of Mercy network.
498,463Books (onsite and online) available to students through the Maria College Library.

Students working more than 30 hours per week


Are first generation college students


Of students are Part-time 


Students are over the age of 24 

*Based on Grad Placement Survey 22-23 grads done in January 2024 

**The Colleges & Universities of the Conference for Mercy Higher Education include Carlow University, College of Saint Mary, Georgian Court University, Gwynedd Mercy University, Maria College, Mercy College of Health & Sciences, Mercy College of Ohio, Mercyhurst University, Misericordia University, Mount Aloysius College, Mount Mercy University, St. Joseph’s College of Maine, St. Xavier University, Salve Regina University, Trocaire College, University of Detroit Mercy, and University of Saint Joseph.

Information updated February 2024 by the Office of Institutional Research.