Mercy Celebrations

What is Mercy Day?

Mercy Day—September 24—is the anniversary of the opening of the first “House of Mercy” in 1827 in Dublin, Ireland. Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy, devoted her life to the poor, sick, and uneducated, and today we continue her legacy of caring and compassion in the name of Mercy. Maria College prepared a week’s worth of rich programming beginning with Mercy Day on September 24.

Learn more about Mercy’s history, mission, and values.

Mercy Week Celebration

September 23 – September 27, 2024

“We should never forget that God’s love and mercy are infinite, and that we are called to share that love and mercy with others.”

– Catherine McAuley





2024 Mercy Week Schedule

Monday, September 23

Dorothy A. Connolly Annual Lecture
Marian Hall, Fitzgerald Court | 6:30PM
Speaker: Marianne Comfort
Panelists: Issac Silberman-Gorn, Reverend John D. Paarrlberg, Anne Rabe, Br. Jacek Orrzechowski
“The Sisters of Mercy Respond to the Global Climate Crisis”

Learn more & register to attend the event.

Tuesday, September 24

Mercy Day


Comfortable Cup of Tea with Sisters of Mercy & Mercy Associates
Marian Hall, Fitzgerald Court | 11:00AM

Thursday, September 26

Circles of Mercy Walk
Starts outside of Marian Hall, Fitzgerald Court | 2PM-4PM
Bring your family & pets!

If you’d like to donate, please fill out this form.


November 11: Catherine McAuley Celebration of Life

Life of Catherine McAuley, September 29, 1778 – November 11, 1841

In memory of Catherine McAuley, first Sister of Mercy, who died on November 11, 1841, we honor her life of serving others and founding the “House of Mercy” on Baggot Street in Dublin, Ireland dedicated to helping the poor, sick, and uneducated. Catherine established independent foundations in Ireland and England whose communities would respond to the local needs of the poor in the areas the Sisters were invited to minister. Compassion for the needy and respect for the dignity of each person were the hallmarks of Mercy for Catherine and her followers. Today, the Sisters of Mercy and partners in ministry are in over 40 countries, continuing in Catherine’s spirit by responding to issues of poverty and injustice.

As she lay dying on November 11, fully aware of the fatigue and sorrow of those around her bed, she made one last request: she asked a sister to tell the community to “get a good cup of tea when I am gone…and comfort one another.” She died that evening at ten minutes to eight, and was buried the following Monday, in the newly created cemetery at Baggot Street. The spirit of this woman of mercy continues to burn bright throughout the world. Hospitality and community are part of her enduring legacy to us.

December 12: Foundation Day

December 12, 1831

The story of the Religious Sisters of Mercy (RSM) begins in Ireland on December 12, 1831 when Catherine McAuley and two of her companions—Mary Ann Doyle, and Elizabeth Harley professed their vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as the  rst Sisters of Mercy. The Congregation was founded to educate women in practical jobs and to take care of the sick poor. Catherine wore a plain band of silver on her left hand and the words inscribed were, “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” translated “to the greater glory of God” and “Fiat Voluntas Tua” or “thy will be done”.

Inspired by these founding women, the Sisters of Mercy and their partners in ministry continue to carry out the spiritual and corporal works of mercy to those in need. The work of social justice is of particular concern to those who follow the spirituality and way of Mercy. There are hundreds of Catholic institutions that have been founded by the Sisters of Mercy to perpetuate the works of mercy to which Catherine McAuley gave her life. These schools, shelters, hospitals, nursing homes, and health care clinics are often purposefully situated in economically deprived neighborhoods to bring services to those who need it the most.

On Foundation Day, let us celebrate the beginning of our shared Mercy heritage and join together in bringing compassion, justice, hope, peace, and courage to everyone we meet.