Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Maria College

Professional Development, Education, & Celebration


At Maria College, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community that provides the best possible learning and working environments for all individuals. We strive to create a supportive and equitable environment for all those associated with the College which is in alignment with the College’s mission and values of service, scholarship, justice, hospitality, and diversity.


Maria College is committed to providing an optimal experience for all members of the community.

  • Promote and improve awareness of the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • Build an inclusive community with diverse representation.
  • Provide resources to individuals from diverse backgrounds to help them to achieve their educational and professional goals in a respectful and compassionate manner.
  • Continue to develop DE&I initiatives to enhance community engagement and belongingness.


  • Amelia McCarthy, Co-Chair, Institutional Research Analyst
  • Sandra Grady, Co-Chair, Mission Advancement and Community Events
  • Alton Brisport, Master of Occupational Therapy Program, Assistant Professor
  • Amarissa Crescenzi, Opportunity Programs Counselor
  • Selena Dwarka, Student Success Coordinator
  • Usha Palaniswamy, PhD, MEd, Associate Professor
  • Mary Riker, Manager, Campus Store
  • Rosa Lyn Vazquez, HR Manager, Payroll & Benefits Administrator


  • Identity: The internal and external characteristics that create one’s sense of self.
  • Diversity: The range of human identities including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, age, social class, etc.
  • Privilege: The advantages available to a group based on a shared identity
  • Implicit Bias: A negative attitude, of which one is not consciously aware, against a group based on a shared identity formed from prior experience or societal messaging.
  • Microaggression: An intentional or unintentional verbal, behavioral, or environmental slight, discrimination against, or insult, directed toward a group or a member of a group based on a shared identity.
  • Equity: The process of recognizing fair treatment, access and providing equal possible outcome for advancement for all individuals.
  • Inclusion: The intentional act of making a person part of a group or collective, where each member is afforded the same rights and opportunities.