Direct Loans are designed by the federal government to assist students in obtaining the education and skills needed to further their careers and personal aspirations. Eligibility for the federal direct loans are determined from the information provided on the FAFSA.
The low-interest loans are for students to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education, though most of the contact will be with your loan servicer and awarded and disbursed by Maria College.
Once a loan has been offered
To complete your Direct Loan application the following steps need to be taken:
- Using Maria College’s MyMaria portal, you can review and accept or decline the loan(s).
- All first time borrowers or students with loans through previous colleges will need to complete both an Entrance Counseling Session and a Master Promissory Note online.
- Go to
- Sign in
- Complete the Entrance Counseling
- Complete Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Direct PLUS Loan
The Direct PLUS Loan is an alternative loan option available through the US Department of Education to assist families with educational expenses. Parents can apply for up to cost of education minus financial aid received by the student.
In order to be considered for the Direct PLUS Loan, a FAFSA for the current school year must be completed. The parent borrower makes application for the Direct PLUS Loan at indicating the amount he/she wishes to borrow. Once approved, additional processing will be performed by the school. If the parent is denied, the student is eligible to receive an additional $4000 in the Direct Unsubsidized Loan.
For more information about the Direct PLUS Loan, including repayment options and interest rates, please review
Note: You can always cancel/reduce or return loan funds if you do not wish to borrow the original amount awarded or accepted.
Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have additional questions or concerns about Direct Loan options at or (518) 861-2586.